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Art and Lore

While I try to include as much lore and world-building information as I can in my books, at a certain point, going through all of it would overwhelm the narrative and make for a lesser story. 

The cost of printing full-color images can also be quite prohibitive, though I hope to soon overcome that restriction.

For full-color maps and images and lore tidbits, look below. 

Stone Background_edited.png
Efruumani Star Map Symbol.jpg

Efruumani's star system is a bit different than we're used to. Learn more about that here.

Here, you can find maps of Efruumani at various times throughout its history, with varying levels of detail and projections. I will be adding region-specific maps as I create them, and might commission a few nicer maps to add to this collection. Most maps will also include information about the areas depicted.

Stone Background_edited.png
Final AtL Map Circles No Text cropped.jpg
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